Creating a Successful Career on VOD Platforms: A Step-by-Step Guide for Authors


Are you a book-lover? Are you tired of your books collecting dust on the shelves? Want to reach a wider audience and create a successful career as an author? Well, grab some popcorn and get ready to explore the world of Video-On-Demand (VOD) platforms—the virtual stage where your stories can shine!

As the publishing industry evolves, authors are given new chances to market their writing and establish lucrative careers outside of the confines of conventional publishing channels. The usage of video-on-demand (VOD) services, which enable creators to sell and distribute their material online, is one of the most promising options for them.

This step-by-step guide will explain how authors can establish lucrative careers on VOD services. We'll go over the advantages and disadvantages of using VOD platforms, offer advice on how to get your material ready for them, and help you choose the best VOD platform for your requirements. In order for you to continuously advance and develop your career, we'll also give you helpful tips on promoting your material and evaluating how you did on VOD platforms.

Whether you're a new author looking to break into the industry, or an experienced author seeking new opportunities, this guide will equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to succeed on VOD platforms. So, let's dive in and discover how you can create a successful career on VOD platforms!

Step 1: Understanding VOD Platforms

It's crucial to comprehend what VOD platforms are and how they operate before you begin selling your content on them.

  1. Users can access and watch videos on demand through web platforms known as "video-on-demand." They provide a number of options, including the ability to stream, download, and buy videos. Videos for learning can be used on VOD platforms in addition to movies, TV shows, documentaries, and other forms of content.

  1. VOD platforms let authors sell and share their work with a global audience. Self-published authors, who might find it challenging to acquire visibility through conventional publishing routes, will particularly benefit from this. You can reach a larger audience, develop a fan base, and make money from purchases via VOD channels.

  1. The most well-liked VOD services for authors include YouTube, Vimeo On Demand, and Amazon Prime Video Direct. To find the one that is the best fit for your content and audience, it is vital to investigate and compare each platform's distinctive features and advantages.

Although VOD platforms have many advantages for authors, it's also crucial to be aware of any potential disadvantages. You might have less control over your content and income, for instance, since the platform might take a cut of your sales. You can also run into competition from other writers and content producers using the platform.

Overall, the first step to launching a lucrative writing job is comprehending VOD platforms. You can decide if these platforms are a good fit for your objectives and create a plan for using them successfully by becoming familiar with them.

Step 2: Preparing Your Content for VOD Platforms

The preparation of your material for a VOD platform is crucial once you've made the decision to sell it there. The following advice will help you get your material ready for VOD platforms:

  1. Make Sure Your Content Is great quality: Make sure your content is great quality before submitting it to a VOD provider. It should therefore be properly written, revised, and formatted. Low sales and poor content can also damage your author reputation.

  1. Verify the technical requirements before uploading content. Each VOD platform has unique technical needs. These could include file size, resolution, and video format. Check these specifications to make sure your content complies with them before posting.

  1. Create Eye-Catching Thumbnails: When searching for content on a VOD platform, potential viewers will first see the thumbnail. Make sure your thumbnail appropriately captures the essence of your material.

  1. Provide straightforward and Accurate Descriptions: Your content should have a description that explains what it is about in a straightforward and accurate manner. This will make it easier for potential viewers to decide if they will find it interesting.

  1. Add closed captions and subtitles to your videos: By including closed captions and subtitles, you may improve accessibility and attract a larger audience to your material.

  1. Include Extra Content: Take into account including extra content with your work, such as a trailer, behind-the-scenes video, or a blooper reel. This may contribute to a more engaging and immersive experience for viewers.

You may make sure that your material is ready for a VOD platform and raise your chances of success by adhering to these suggestions. Don't rush the planning phase because the quality of your material will be crucial for drawing in and keeping viewers. Spend some time making sure your content is of the highest calibre.

Step 3: Choosing the Right VOD Platform

The success of your author career depends on your choice of VOD platform. Here are some things to take into account while choosing a platform:

  1. Target Audience: Think about who you want your material to appeal to. Different platforms cater to various interests and demographics. For instance, while Vimeo On Demand primarily serves independent filmmakers and creative professionals, Amazon Prime Video Direct has a sizable following interested in movies and TV shows.

  1. Each platform has a different revenue strategy, which might have an impact on your profitability. While some platforms offer a subscription model, where users pay a monthly price to access content, others offer a revenue share model, where you receive a part of the sales.

  1. Marketing and Promotion: Take a look at the marketing and promotion capabilities the platform provides. While some platforms include built-in capabilities for marketing and promotion, others need you to handle this work yourself.

  1. Technological Requirements: Each platform has certain technological requirements for submitting material, as was indicated in Step 2. Before choosing a platform, be sure you have the technical skills necessary to meet these standards.

  1. Take into account any fees or expenses related to using the platform. For instance, some platforms charge a monthly subscription fee or a cost for each video uploaded.

  1. User Interface: Assess the platform's user interface to make sure it is simple to use and navigate. An intuitive interface can aid in drawing in and keeping viewers.

You can choose the platform that best meets your demands and writing objectives by taking these elements into account. Always do your homework and weigh your options before choosing a platform. Don't be hesitant to consult other authors who have already used the site with your queries or for suggestions.

Check out our blog on building a video platform with useful insights and strategies

Step 4: Promoting Your Content on VOD Platforms

To make sure that your target audience sees your content once you've submitted it to a VOD platform, you must market it. The following advice will help you advertise your content on VOD platforms:

  1. Utilise Social Media: Share your material with your fans on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. To pique interest in your work, you can publish or distribute trailers.

  1. Reach out to influencers in your niche and work together to promote your content by collaborating with them. This could increase your audience and broaden your reach.

  1. Run Paid Advertising: To reach a wider audience, think about running paid advertising on the VOD platform or on other platforms like Google Ads or Facebook Ads. To guarantee that your intended audience sees your advertisements, you can target particular demographics or hobbies.

  1. Offer Discounts or packages: To encourage visitors to buy your content, think about providing discounts or packages. During the introduction of new content or during promotional periods, this can be especially successful.

  1. Engage your audience by reacting to their comments and other feedback. This could encourage a devoted following and produce fruitful word-of-mouth advertising.

  1. Utilise Analytics: To keep track of your progress and spot areas for improvement, use the analytics tools offered by the VOD platform. This might assist you in maximising your content and marketing initiatives to boost sales.

You may improve the exposure and revenue from your content on VOD platforms by putting these promotion techniques into practice. To accomplish your objectives, keep an eye on your performance and modify your strategy as necessary.

Step 5: Analyzing Your Performance and Making Improvements

It's crucial to monitor your progress and pinpoint areas for improvement once your material has gone live on VOD services and you've started promoting it. Here are some methods for reviewing your performance and making changes:

  1. Track Your Sales: Track your sales across all VOD platforms and look for any patterns or trends. Utilise this knowledge to improve your pricing and marketing tactics.

  1. Review Viewer Feedback: To learn more about what your audience likes and dislikes about your material, read the comments left by viewers and respond to them. Utilise this knowledge to strengthen your content and marketing tactics.

  1. Analyse Your Metrics: Examine Your Performance Using the Analytics Tools Offered by the VOD Platforms. To find areas that need work, look at data like views, engagement, and retention rates.

  1. Improve Your Content: Make use of the stats and comments to improve your content. To make it more interesting to viewers, you might want to update your title, summary, or artwork.

  1. Try Different Promotional techniques: To find the ideal promotional strategy for your content and audience, try various promotional techniques, such as discounts or collaborations.

  1. Keep Current with Trends: Keep up with current VOD market developments and modify your methods as necessary. This can entail investigating fresh platforms, subgenres, or marketing strategies.

You may continuously optimise your content and methods to boost sales and accomplish your professional goals on VOD platforms by reviewing your performance and making adjustments. Keep in mind that success on VOD platforms requires time, patience, and work. To determine what will work best for you and your audience, keep testing and adapting.


In conclusion, VOD distribution channels present authors with a fantastic opportunity to forge a lucrative career and connect with a larger audience. You may increase your chances of success by comprehending the various VOD platforms that are available, creating your content, selecting the best platform, promoting your material, and tracking your results. In order to maximise your content and promotion efforts, keep up with trends and make constant adjustments to your plans. You may succeed as an author and develop a thriving career on VOD platforms with commitment, diligence, and a willingness to try new things.

So what are you waiting for? Get your writing cap on, prepare your content, choose the right platform, and promote your work like a boss. With some creativity and determination, you can create a blockbuster career on VOD platforms and become the next literary sensation! Lights, camera, action!

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